consultancy offers all aspects of GxP Operations & Services.
Focussing on FDA Inspection preparedness and recovery.

Lifescience IT Digital & MES Services

Lifescience Logistics Services

Associate consultant management

Retained Client Consultancy Service Programs

Corporate Social Responsibility Programs

Bluciela-Lifesciences SAS, Pharma and Biotech industry


Bluciela-Lifesciences SAS

Bluciela-Lifesciences exists to serve the Lifesciences Industry using criticality focused consultancy, affiliates and strategies.

With many years of hands on and strategic experience in API, pharmaceutical and biotech manufacture.

Many successful FDA inspection preparations and recoveries

In depth knowledge allowing consulting on:

FDA Inspection Readiness

cGMP Compliance and training

  • Logistics
  • Data Integrity,
  • Validation,
  • Compliance,
  • Operational excellence,
  • Pharmacovigilance, Pre-clinical Toxicology
  • Computerised equipment, Supplier Quality Programs and MES solutions


Bluciela-Lifesciences is your partner of choice for Manufacturers, Constructors, Suppliers and Digital companies. 


Bluciela-Lifesciences SAS